TRANS EVENTS☆ WEEKDAYS (11/14 - 11/17)

Summits, panels, wellness rock climbing, poetry & music, and (of course) drag. Don't forget to show up for trans rights today!

Summits, panels, wellness rock climbing, poetry & music, and (of course) drag. Don't forget to show up for trans rights today!

MONDAY 11/14

12 PM | Transphobes Not Welcome 🚨

Location: City Hall Park | Time: 12pm - ? | More Info

🚨🏳️‍⚧️💥TERFs & anti-trans allies who have been pushing trans-eliminationist rhetoric are ending their nationwide speaking tour here in NYC. But our voices are louder than their hate! 🚨🏳️‍⚧️💥

Bring signs, banners, flags, noisemakers, trombones, vuvuzelas, and all your friends! Be creative and be bold! From PDX to Chitown, we'll show up and shut TERFs down!

Plz be mindful of unfriendly livestreamers around you who make propaganda for the right

Getting there:
4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall
2/3 to Park Place
J/Z to Chambers St

7 PM | Hot Drag Special

Location: Secret Pour | Time: 7pm | More Info

A gender expansive drag show featuring the hottest drag talent from Brooklyn & beyond! Featuring Rion Moon, Plush, Zanax, Cellophane, Amanita Mascara, and DJ Dis_aster_ous.

Suggested donation $10 - $20 at the door.


12 PM | Callen-Lorde GAPP Summit

Location: Zoom | Time: 12pm - 5pm| More Info

The Gender Affirming Perioperative Practices (GAPP) Summit is a virtual conference to discuss perioperative strategies aimed at improving patient experience with gender affirming surgeries. This virtual conference invites care teams from across the country to come together and discuss best practices preparing patients for surgery.

6 PM | An Evening of Healing with Oasis // Una Noche de Sanación con Oasis

Location: Oasis Wellness Center | Time: 6pm - 8pm | More Info | RSVP

This event is open to Latine's and people of color who identify as gender-non-conforming, gender queer, or transgender.

Xelestiál Moreno-Luz (pictured below) will lead us in a workshop, “Our Stories, Our Right”. Participants will engage in a short photo production session using Polaroid cameras, to engage in a group storytelling project. Xelestiál will present her own art practice, community work samples, theory, and future projects to empower participants to create their works.

7 PM | CRUX LGBTQ Climbing - Queer & Trans Climbers of Color

Location: The Cliffs at LIC | Time: 7pm - 9pm | More Info | RSVP

This event is geared towards people who have never climbed before, haven't climbed in a long time, and experienced, belay-certified top-rope or sport lead climbers.

In maintaining the affirming aspect of the space, we ask that folks attending are cognizant that this event is designed for the distinct experiences of Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC), as well as, Trans, Gender Non-conforming, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (TGNCQIA) folks who also identify within the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) spectrum.


9 AM | Mascara XIV Beyond the Pandemic: Where do we go from here?

Location: Robert Treat Hotel (Newark, NJ) | Time: 9am - 4pm | RSVP

Pandemics are something the Transgender community face at disproportionate levels. The HIV epidemic and Covid-19 pandemic are no different. A common thread being the lack of access and unjust attacks when it comes to Transgender rights to health and mental wellness and care.

To move Beyond the Pandemic we must create avenues for self-empowerment, access to Gender Care, and elevate social support for the Transgender and Gender Diverse Community.

7 PM | A reading with Samuel Ace with music by Ira Khonen Temple and AANI

Location: Congregation Beth Elohim | Time: 7pm - 9pm | More Info

As part of our Jewish Queer & Trans Writers class, we are excited to welcome poet Samuel Ace and musician Ira Khonen Temple for an evening of poetry and music.

Check out all these and more on our Calendar

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Jamie Larson